Powerful marketing and concentrated printing expertise

Bertelsmann's direct marketing and print services businesses are combined in the Bertelsmann Marketing Services division. The group includes more than 20 individual companies in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the USA, employing a good 7,000 people. The service spectrum ranges from data-based multi-channel marketing and campaign management services to comprehensive agency and content services and full-service printing. Customers are advertising companies, such as successful mail order companies or renowned retail and consumer goods companies, but also well-known industrial and service companies as well as book and magazine publishers. Bertelsmann Marketing Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bertelsmann.


  • [Translate to Englisch:]
    Event |
    Masterclasses and exciting insights: Bertelsmann Marketing Services at d3con
  • [Translate to Englisch:]
    Press Release |
    Sonopress and BMG Celebrate the Launch of the First EcoRecord with Cymande’s `Renascence`
  • Press Release |
    Sonopress and Warner Music Group win gold at the Clio Award 2025

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